all postcodes in ST12 / STOKE-ON-TRENT

find any address or company within the ST12 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST12 9AA 2 52.944987 -2.158506
ST12 9AB 0 52.943242 -2.159348
ST12 9AD 0 52.940349 -2.157327
ST12 9AE 1 52.939395 -2.157725
ST12 9AF 0 52.943265 -2.156059
ST12 9AG 0 52.944386 -2.157373
ST12 9AJ 1 52.946671 -2.156354
ST12 9AL 0 52.947849 -2.156388
ST12 9AP 0 52.947825 -2.153828
ST12 9AQ 0 52.94532 -2.158061
ST12 9AR 0 52.948364 -2.154485
ST12 9AS 0 52.94998 -2.155964
ST12 9AT 0 52.94987 -2.157646
ST12 9AU 0 52.949929 -2.153419
ST12 9AW 0 52.947268 -2.153365
ST12 9AY 0 52.952116 -2.142575
ST12 9AZ 0 52.944093 -2.154976
ST12 9BA 0 52.955869 -2.147828
ST12 9BB 0 52.954453 -2.158555
ST12 9BD 0 52.955687 -2.156684